
How To Get Smooth Slow Motion Video


Today we’re going to talk about how to get slow motion video in premiere pro. So I’ve been processing slow-motion footage the wrong way inside of Premiere Pro. Recently I made a tutorial on how you can interpret your 60FPS footage onto a 24Fps timeline. But it turns out that way actually gives a few problems later on when I’m editing, there’s another way that’s actually better, doesn’t have as many issues or glitches, at least in Premiere Pro.

Watch the video here: How to Get Smooth Slow Motion Video

This is specifically for Premiere Pro however, I don’t know how this works on other editing software. So instead of interpreting the footage, you should instead go to the clip. Right, click on it, go to speed and duration and change the percentage of the speed depending on your frame rate.

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What Should You Set The Speed Percentage To?

Here’s a formula. I shot this footage in 60FPS and I want it to be in slow motion on my 24FPS timeline. All I have to do is divide 24 by 60 and that gives me 0.40 which translates to 40% of the original clips speed. So all I have to put in the dialog box is forty percent speed.

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So now the 60FPS video will play in perfect slow motion in your 24FPS timeline. Another example, if I shot in one 120FPS and I want it to be slow motion on my 30FPS timeline, what you’d have to do is divide 30 by 120 and you’ll get 0.25, which in other words is 25% of the original clip speed. So in other words, you just have to divide the frame rate of your timeline by the frame rate that you shot at.

Now you might be thinking this is more work than just interpreting the footage to whatever frame rate you want.

Well, here’s a few problems that come up with interpreting footage that you don’t see when you just change the speed of the footage. Reason number one, it’s messing up my proxy’s. For some reason, when I render proxies from premiere using the same frame rates that the original footage was shot at and toggled the proxy icon in Premiere and I look at the footage to preview it, it plays just fine at the default speeds.

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But right when I interpret the footage to 24FPS and preview that the interpreted version of the proxies usually glitch out or mismatch from the original footage. I don’t know why, but interpreting footage with proxy’s attached to it in Premiere Pro usually causes a lot of problems with the proxy’s. But if I just change the speed and duration of the clip, no matter whether I have proxies turned on or off, it plays smoothly.

Premiere sometimes has problems with speed ramping footage that has been interpreted, but when you just change the speed of the footage doesn’t really have problems with speed ramping or changing any of the settings of the video. I again don’t really know why, but for some reason, just changing the speed and duration just works a lot better. All right, that’s it for me. I hope this was helpful and not too boring of a video. If you have questions, drop them below and I’ll see you on the next one.

Also, make sure to check out our blogs page to learn more tips & tricks and upcoming news.

By |2022-10-19T04:07:19+00:00January 14th, 2021|Editing Tutorials|0 Comments

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Origin Films
Origin Films INC. is a fresh, innovative and growing Video Production company based out of Toronto that focuses on Commercial, Corporate, Weddings, Real Estate, Events and Film & T.V. Productions. Since our start in late 2016, we’ve produced over 100+ projects and built an Instagram following of over 100 thousand followers. We’ve worked with companies such as Tourism Thailand, Remax Realestate Center and K-Swiss and have helped produce multiple short films.
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